Malaysian singer Siti Nurhaliza deepfake


Malaysian singer Siti Nurhaliza has warned her fans about a viral scam using AI-generated calls, deepfake videos, and images to deceive people into believing she is offering cash rewards or organizing contests. The scammers have hijacked her voice, likeness, and even live videos to entrap and deceive, often targeting the elderly.

The Impact

The impact of this scam has been profound. Many fans, especially the elderly, believed in the authenticity of the AI-generated content and fell right into the trap. The scammers’ use of sophisticated AI tools has made it increasingly difficult for people to distinguish between genuine and fake interactions. This has damaged the trust between Siti Nurhaliza and her fans. It raised concerns about the broader implications of deepfakes in our daily lives.

Malaysian Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil highlighted that AI has the potential for both good and evil purposes. He urged the public to be vigilant and verify any information received. Moreover, told the public to check twice, especially if it involves videos or calls that seem too good to be true. He also called on news agencies to educate the public about the dangers of AI. Topics like deepfakes and voice scams were addressed, stressing the importance of awareness in combating these scams.

“ AI has the potential for both good and evil purposes.”

Malaysian Communications Minister – Fahmi Fadzil

Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf, the director of the Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department, pointed out that such scams are becoming more frequent and difficult to tackle. Verification from the victims is crucial, and he urged those affected to lodge a report with the police to help investigate and prevent such crimes.

The Response

In response to these rising concerns, tools like Resemble Detect have become invaluable. Resemble Detect is designed to help identify whether a voice is genuine or AI-generated, providing an extra layer of security in an increasingly digital world. Here’s how it works and how you can use it to protect yourself:

  1. Upload the Audio: Start by signing in to your resemble account. Head to “detect” and upload the audio clip you want to verify. Click on the advanced settings to adjust the frame length and sensitivity. Note that when you isolate a voice, analyzing it will take a little longer.
  2. Analyze the Voice: Once you have uploaded the voice sample, Resemble Detect will analyze it. It will compare your voice sample against known patterns of AI-generated voices. Once its finished analyzing the audio, it will direct you to see something like this. (Sometimes, you need to refresh).
  3. Get the Results: The tool will provide a report on whether the voice will likely be AI-generated or genuine. The report will give you a final conclusion if the voice you uploaded is real or fake. When you click on “report” You will see the deepfake visualization of your audio sample, as well as the audio stream details and the Detect results.
See Detect Results as shown below:
  1. Deepfake Report

By incorporating tools like Resemble Detect, you can take proactive steps to ensure the information you receive is authentic. This is particularly important when you are being offered something that seems unusually generous or out of character for the person supposedly making the offer.

Resemble Detect

Stay vigilant and informed! Nowadays, where technology can be used to both assist and deceive, it’s critical to be aware of the potential risks. Always verify the source of any unexpected communication, especially if it involves offers or contests that seem too good to be true. If you suspect an AI voice scam has targeted you, report it to the authorities immediately.

To learn more about how to protect yourself and try out Resemble Detect, visit Resemble Detect’s website and stay one step ahead of scammers. Protect yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to these sophisticated scams by staying informed and cautious.

Let’s make technology work for us, not against us. Try Resemble Detect today!

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